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Sigma High Carbon Steel Shot

Steel Shot S460v1 (4)_edited.jpg

              Technical Information

Typical Hardness: 40-51 Rockwell C (HRc)

Shape:                    Spherical

Bulk Density:         290-299 lbs/cu.ft.

Specific Density:   Shall not be less than 7g/cc

Other:                     <1% non-metallic

Packaging:            2000 lb. in 55-gallon drum


Sigma Steel Shot is manufactured to the SAE J827 Specification for chemistry, hardness and other characteristics and the SAE J444 Specification for sizing. 

  • Cast steel shot is spherical.

  • The product is fully heat-treated and supplied in the quenched and tempered condition. This makes the product very durable with a high resistance to fatigue, allowing for optimal cleaning efficiency.

  • Steel shot is ideally suited for wheel blast applications because it is a round product that stays mostly round throughout its working life. This reduces the wear on the wheel blast machines as compared to using steel grit. 

  • Steel shot cleans by repeatedly pounding the surface. As the steel shot impacts the surface, it ricochets off the work piece and surrounding structures giving multiple impacts to the surface. This increases the potential for the shot to impact areas of the work piece that would normally be inaccessible to direct line of sight blasting.

  • The microstructure for Sigma high carbon steel shot is uniform Martensitic tempered to a degree consistent with the hardness range.


     SAND REMOVAL from metal castings, most commonly in a wheel blast   


     SCALE REMOVAL on products manufactured with forging, stamping or heat 

      treating processes

     SURFACE FINISHING of parts that require a uniform surface profile or texture

     SHOT PEENING of components to increase their fatigue life or fatigue   


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